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AAT | Appropriate Architecture Technology

AAT - Strategic Green Arch-Tech for Ethiopia

AAT | general script


Strategic green arch-tech for Ethiopia; mandatory sub themes of projects, Sun & Architecture, Water & architecture, Wind & architecture, Sanitary & Restrooms & Architecture, Green & Architecture, Inside & outside, In-between spaces; important themes for the country with its specific climates and natural landscapes: theme 1 stone landscapes, accent on learning from existing quality, location Gheralta, theme 2 rivers, flood spaces, rainy forest, accent on learning from existing failures, location Bale Mountains, Theme 3 desert extreme,

accent on protecting environment, location Danakil Desert, Theme 4 food spaces, accent on  Increasing potential of local originality, location Omo valley, Theme 5 national parks & natural monuments, accent on learning of importance to preserve originality in country, location by Y Y, Theme 6 Vital country landscape attractors,

accent on introducing new programs in special environment – capital, towns, villages, national parks,

location X X, project Timeless shelter 777 must be invented on basis of GIS maps; vegetation, Annual precipitation in millimetres, Agro climatic zones, Macro Urban net and land altitude, National parks, the local fauna species, Timeless shelter 777 with a very specific autochthonous program must not be bigger than 200 square meter of built structure for 7 specific people, 7 specific animals, 7 specific plants; Mandatory locations are Up in the air, Underground, Underwater, On the water, On the surface, On the wall of the mountain, for exposing student’s minds to the most demanding condition in order to bring up inventive program/spatial design solutions.

AAT | Studio culture & rules – group work by themes


71 students in one class

1 professor

1 assistant

effective organisation need to be precise & smart

71 students, 71 projects all around Ethiopia, professor with one assistant; smart organisation for the best possible creative results, for total control over big amount of projects

ABT - For inspiration only – additional script for check ignition

Definition of JUXTAPOSITION. 20 duets of JUXTAPOSITIONS with live fields of world phenomena in comparison with non-living matters phenomena. Very important strategies: micro vs. macro, live vs. nonlife,

nature vs. technology, analogue vs. digital, traditional vs. contemporary, etc …CODE TEXT


AAT | Appropriate Architecture Technology lectures 

What is Appropriate Building / Architecture Technology


Appropriate building/architecture technology’s ABT theory 6 rules: Small-scale, Decentralized, Labour-intensive, Energy efficient, Environmentally sound/friendly, Locally autonomous. Theory of ABT origin. Wide range of ABT fields. ABT predecessors. At as umbrella term. ABT practitioners in recent history and contemporary emerging practices. ABT movements.

please see

content of lecture here

Appropriate indigenous type of balanced programs


Inventive programs which contributes to balanced progress to autochthonous environment to which they belong.

Timeless shelters 777 are sustainable examples how to programmatically and architecturally intervene with future advanced-care spatial development of different landscapes throughout Ethiopia. Few examples according GIS specifics of landscape with the name of inspirational flora/fauna design object: Botany research center Moringa | moringa oleifera, Protection station for invasive weed ‘emboch’ | salvinia natans, Generating station for water from volcano heat | artemisia sieberi besser, Avocado plantage | persea Americana, Goba Bale mountains Bamboo production & design center | yushania alpine, Lalibela Water sanitation and enery generator | citrus sinensis.

Program processes modelling PPM


The method is invented by D. Batista PhD.

It is about program processes making diagrams, establishing spatial difference and organisational hierarchy for 7 people (job position or ...), 7 animals (names common and scientific, mark wild or domestic), 7 plants (names common and scientific, mark wild or domestic. Establishing a conceptual foundation for specific approved program with TITLE in time cycles: 1 day, 1 month, 1 year. Merging processes; Simulation of merging process on models digital/virtual or material/real.

Program processes modelling PPM
Micro element modelling MEM

Micro element modelling MEM


The method is invented by D. Batista PhD.

It is about invention of micro element with scanning the pattern from micro structure, doing the abstraction of structural & molecular biology, doing the transfer into digital/virtual or material/real model with processes, of pattern-ism, abstraction and fabrication.

Smart sustainable eco structures

Living Symbiosis 7 specific people 7 specific animals 7 specific plants

Appropriates of indigenous type balanced programs

Architectural processes EWFF, PPM, MEM

Timeless shelter 777

Timeless shelter 777 must be invented on basis of GIS maps; vegetation, Annual precipitation in millimetres, Agro climatic zones, Macro Urban net and land altitude, National parks, the local fauna species, Timeless shelter 777 with a very specific autochthonous program must not be bigger than 200 square meter of built structure for 7 specific people, 7 specific animals, 7 specific plants; Mandatory locations are Up in the air, Underground, Underwater, On the water, On the surface, On the wall of the mountain, for exposing student’s minds to the most demanding condition in order to bring up inventive program/spatial design solutions

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