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NCD | New coordinated design scripts

NCD Strategic Projects for Mekelle

NCD | general script

Strategic projects for Mekelle

Script is given to students as a detailed framework of work and assignments in thematic groups. It is an independent work, but it is still tied to a group, where experiences, questions and problems can be shared and solved together. Strategic projects for Mekelle; Themes to improve city spatial condition, ecological footprint an urban metabolism and totally absent vital city attractors: Eco Touristic facilities, Housing, Heritage, Squares & market spaces, Green spaces & parks & monuments, Vital city attractors - galleries, museums, cinemas, libraries . . . public places. Research, study and development of projects are in tree parts (scales): 1 (MICRO) MASTERPLAN RE/DESIGN (2 OR MORE CITY BLOCKS), 2 CITY BLOCK RE/DESIGN and 3 BUILDING RE/DESIGN.
built/natural silhouettes, number of floors, traffic configuration, urban growing green strategies, 
building density, vedutes, how are the volumes placed in the space, how are the new designs connected with an existing, flexibility of building design and possibilities of expanding, harmony with city spatial plan regulations how are program group divided in the wider area, accessibility and traffic solutions, functional plan, shape plan,  constructional solution, designs of all layouts including roof,  designs of characteristic facades design scheme of mechanical and electrical services, approximate finance plan of investment (per m2), perspective drawings of building or other 3d designs, typical part of a façade. Students finish works with execution of several studio and final exhibition on A1 posters.

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PhD D Batista _ ncd_script for students_
PhD D Batista _ ncd_script for students_
PhD D Batista _ ncd_script for students_
PhD D Batista _ ncd_script for students_
PhD D Batista _ ncd_script for students_
PhD D Batista _ ncd_script for students_
PhD D Batista _ ncd_script for students_
PhD D Batista _ ncd_script for students_
PhD D Batista _ ncd_script for students_
PhD D Batista _ ncd_script for students_
PhD D Batista _ ncd_script for students_
PhD D Batista _ ncd_script for students_
PhD D Batista _ ncd_script for students_
PhD D Batista _ ncd_script for students_
PhD D Batista _ ncd_script for students_
PhD D Batista _ ncd_script for students_
PhD D Batista _ ncd_script for students_
PhD D Batista _ ncd_script for students_
PhD D Batista _ ncd_script for students_
PhD D Batista _ ncd_script for students_
PhD D Batista _ ncd_script for students_
PhD D Batista _ ncd_script for students_
PhD D Batista _ ncd_script for students_
PhD D Batista _ ncd_script for students_
PhD D Batista _ ncd_script for students_
PhD D Batista _ ncd_script for students_
PhD D Batista _ ncd_script for students_
PhD D Batista _ ncd_script for students_
PhD D Batista _ ncd_script for students_
PhD D Batista _ ncd_script for students_
PhD D Batista _ ncd_script for students_
PhD D Batista _ ncd_script for students_
PhD D Batista _ ncd_script for students_
PhD D Batista _ ncd_script for students_

NCD - For inspiration only – additional script for check ignition


theory & practising of


Students are challenged to find perfect juxtapositions, of photograph and texts, through 20 duets. Abstract & philosophical!

PhD D Batista FIO_check ignition project
PhD D Batista FIO_check ignition project
PhD D Batista FIO_check ignition project

NCD | 'To shape a city' – script for students II

To shape a city

D Batista PhD method

Script is given to students for completely independent work. Each student is faced with his own location, which he has to decide for himself according to a series of factors for a suitable and sustainable topic. 77 students, 77 different topics. PhD Batista organized a lottery in which students drew a random location with origami.

The work process is the same as the project from the first semester, except that the student works completely independently.

PhD D Batista NCD_script for students II
PhD D Batista NCD_script for students II
PhD D Batista NCD_script for students II
PhD D Batista NCD_script for students II
PhD D Batista NCD_script for students II
PhD D Batista NCD_script for students II
PhD D Batista NCD_script for students II
PhD D Batista NCD_script for students II
PhD D Batista NCD_script for students II
NCD To Shape a City
For Presentation Only

NCD - For presentation only – additional script for exhibitions


D Batista PhD method

Script brings students closer to the undoubted importance of presentation - through exhibitions, from internal studio exhibitions to public ones in galleries, museums, etc. The theoretical part covers the definitions of world exhibitions, the difference between museums and galleries, etc. Practically, the student must master the Passe-Partout technique and prepare the opening of the exhibition of his own sketches of Hidmo compounds.

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PhD D Batista for presentation only_Page
PhD D Batista for presentation only_Page
PhD D Batista for presentation only_Page
PhD D Batista for presentation only_Page
PhD D Batista for presentation only_Page

NCD | New coordinated design lectures

Rethinking atrium 'infodomus'


Mediterranean Atrium house vs subtropical atrium domus

importance of appropriate type of design for subtropic climate


Archetype or the most important form of living unit, especially for favourable and warm climate zones. The basis for a possible sustainable and biologically diverse habitat, etc. Indigenous form of living also for Tigray, a house around the yard, or several houses inside the walls, fences …

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Rethinking atrium 'infodomus'

Case study houses


Unique inspiring phenomena

in time

The world’s phenomena experiment worth to apply as system always different for different cultures, provincial customs and climatic zones

PhD D Batista _ CSH _Koenig-CSH_22-01
Architectural Detail - facade

Architectural Detail


How to push the boundaries of today’s thinking of most architectural creators that the facade is a single-layer, one-dimensional envelope

skin | facade

Appropriate facade detail must be ...
Technological choice and application that is ...

Dynamic | Multi-layered | Responsive | Moving | Green | 
Soft | Local

PhD D Batista architectural detail_facad
PhD D Batista architectural detail_facad
PhD D Batista architectural detail_facad
PhD D Batista architectural detail_facad
PhD D Batista architectural detail_facad
PhD D Batista architectural detail_facad
PhD D Batista architectural detail_facad
PhD D Batista architectural detail_facad
PhD D Batista architectural detail_facad
PhD D Batista architectural detail_facad
Grid I method

Grid I method


PhD D Batista method

Invisible magic in all three spatial directions, if the architect knows it and knows how to use it, an executive tool of composition control

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PhD D Batista grid I method lecture_Page
PhD D Batista grid I method lecture_Page
PhD D Batista grid I method lecture_Page
PhD D Batista grid I method lecture_Page
PhD D Batista grid I method lecture_Page
PhD D Batista grid I method lecture_Page
PhD D Batista grid I method lecture_Page
PhD D Batista grid I method lecture_Page
PhD D Batista grid I method lecture_Page
PhD D Batista grid I method lecture_Page
India's Forgotten Stepwells

India's Forgotten Stepwells


interactive lecture 

learning by doing

Many sub-Saharan African provinces, which have the natural characteristics of a semi-dessert, suffer from daily water shortages. Not because they would actually be short of water, but because they do not know how to use water resources with thousand-year-old techniques, structures and constructions in space / landscape.

Hilton in Addis  - architecture

African botanic gardens

About pattern

PhD D Batista AS I_indian stepwells lect
PhD D Batista AS I_indian stepwells lect
PhD D Batista AS I_indian stepwells lect
PhD D Batista AS I_indian stepwells lect
PhD D Batista AS I_indian stepwells lect
PhD D Batista AS I_indian stepwells lect
PhD D Batista AS I_indian stepwells lect
PhD D Batista AS I_indian stepwells lect
PhD D Batista AS I_indian stepwells lect
PhD D Batista AS I_indian stepwells lect
PhD D Batista AS I_indian stepwells lect
PhD D Batista AS I_indian stepwells lect
PhD D Batista AS I_indian stepwells lect

Examples of analyses graphic - appropriateness & excellence

Modern architectural interventions

Pierre Chareau_Maison de Verre

Moscow metro

Grid II


essay on study cases through history to modern examples of how invisible grids are used, grid web, in floor plans, cross-sections and facades, the most successful architectures also in details

Soft architecture

Water tower design

© 2025 by studio D x D

Europe Subsaharan Africa continental connection

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