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ABT | Appropriate Building Technology

ABT | general script


Strategic green build-tech for Ethiopia; mandatory sub themes of projects, Sun & Architecture, Water & architecture, Wind & architecture, Sanitary & Restrooms & Architecture, Green & Architecture, Inside & outside, In-between spaces; important themes for the country with its specific climates and natural landscapes: theme 1 stone landscapes, accent on learning from existing quality, location Gheralta, theme 2 rivers, flood spaces, rainy forest, accent on learning from existing failures, location Bale Mountains, Theme 3 desert extreme, accent on protecting environment, location Danakil Desert, Theme 4 food spaces, accent on  Increasing potential of local originality, location Omo valley, Theme 5 national parks & natural monuments, accent on learning of importance to preserve originality in country, location by Y Y, Theme 6 Vital country landscape attractors, accent on introducing new programs in special environment – capital, towns, villages, national parks, location X X, project Timeless shelter 777 must be invented on basis of GIS maps; vegetation, Annual precipitation in millimetres, Agro climatic zones, Macro Urban net and land altitude, National parks, the local fauna species, Timeless shelter 777 with a very specific autochthonous program must not be bigger than 200 square meter of built structure for 7 specific people, 7 specific animals, 7 specific plants; Mandatory locations are Up in the air, Underground, Underwater, On the water, On the surface, On the wall of the mountain, for exposing student’s minds to the most demanding condition in order to bring up inventive program/spatial design solutions.

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PhD D Batista abt_script for students_I_
PhD D Batista abt_script for students_I_
PhD D Batista abt_script for students_I_
PhD D Batista abt_script for students_I_
PhD D Batista abt_script for students_I_
PhD D Batista abt_script for students_I_
PhD D Batista abt_script for students_I_
PhD D Batista abt_script for students_I_
PhD D Batista abt_script for students_I_
PhD D Batista abt_script for students_I_
PhD D Batista abt_script for students_I_
PhD D Batista abt_script for students_I_
PhD D Batista abt_script for students_I_
PhD D Batista abt_script for students_I_
PhD D Batista abt_script for students_I_
PhD D Batista abt_script for students_I_
PhD D Batista abt_script for students_I_
PhD D Batista abt_script for students_I_
PhD D Batista abt_script for students_I_
PhD D Batista abt_script for students_I_
PhD D Batista abt_script for students_I_
PhD D Batista abt_script for students_I_
PhD D Batista abt_script for students_I_
PhD D Batista abt_script for students_I_
PhD D Batista abt_script for students_I_

ABT | Studio culture & rules – additional script for organisation & creativity


65 students in one class

1 professor

1 assistant

effective organisation need to be precise & smart

65 students in one design studio means smart organisation for the best possible creative results, for total control over big amount of projects, guided by professor with only one assistant

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ABT | For inspiration only – additional script for check ignition


Students who never were exposed to my system of teaching are always tested with ‘Check ignition project CIP - For inspiration only FIO!

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PhD D Batista FIO_check ignition project
PhD D Batista FIO_check ignition project

ABT | Africa Europe Appropriate Architecture comparison – additional script


ABT | Appropriate Building Technology lectures

What is Appropriate Building / Architecture Technology - ABT AAT



Appropriate building/ architecture technology’s ABT theory 6 rules: Small-scale, Decentralised, Labour-intensive, Energy efficient, Environmentally sound/friendly, Locally autonomous. Theory of ABT origin. Wide range of ABT fields. ABT predecessors. At as umbrella term. ABT practitioners in recent history and contemporary emerging practices. ABT movements.

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Theory of AB|AT
Dammuso vs Hidmo

Dammuso vs Hidmo


what a discovery!

1000 nad 1000 km apart, similar climate conditions, similar living compound concepts with ONE BIG DIFFERENCE!


PhD D Batista unexpected discovery of amazing equalities and contradictions between two continents vernacular architectural phenomena Dammuso compound and Hidmo compound. Thousands of miles of geographical distance, different cultures, climate conditions, but elementary design principles are unbelievably similar almost the same. With one big and lifesaving ground breaking difference…

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ABT - Nature technology of Chlorophyll

ABT - Nature technology of Chlorophyll


Lecture on how to source from nature’s technologies


What are the direct spaces into which every human being enters? Artificial or produced one je clothing, but natural is definitely natural phenomena of air, water, soil, minerals and chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is all around us.
Its omnipresence is total. This ingenious substance or process je PhD Batista taken as a basis for the production of good architecture. Nature technology of chlorophyll is an eloquent natural teacher of ecological, sustainable, green design approaches.

PhD D Batista nature technology clorophy
PhD D Batista nature technology clorophy
PhD D Batista nature technology clorophy
PhD D Batista nature technology clorophy
PhD D Batista nature technology clorophy
PhD D Batista nature technology clorophy
PhD D Batista nature technology clorophy
PhD D Batista nature technology clorophy
PhD D Batista nature technology clorophy
PhD D Batista nature technology clorophy
PhD D Batista nature technology clorophy
PhD D Batista nature technology clorophy

ABT - Powers of Ten, 1968


The Powers of Ten films are two short American documentary films written and directed by Charles and Ray Eames.

Essential for understanding relativity of space, scale and dimension.

This famous and ground-breaking movie about the relativity of perception, the visible, the perceived helps students to travel in more than three dimensions.

Smart sustainable eco structures

Living Symbiosis 7 specific people 7 specific animals 7 specific plants

Appropriates of indigenous type balanced programs

Inventive programs which contributes to balanced progress to autochthonous environment to which they belong.

Timeless shelters 777 are sustainable examples how to programmatically and architecturally intervene with future advanced-care spatial development of different landscapes

Architectural processes

Timeless shelter 777

Timeless shelter 777 must be invented on basis of GIS maps; vegetation, Annual precipitation in millimetres, Agro climatic zones, Macro Urban net and land altitude, National parks, the local fauna species, Timeless shelter 777 with a very specific autochthonous program must not be bigger than 200 square meter of built structure for 7 specific people, 7 specific animals, 7 specific plants; Mandatory locations are Up in the air, Underground, Underwater, On the water, On the surface, On the wall of the mountain, for exposing student’s minds to the most demanding condition in order to bring up inventive program/spatial design solutions

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