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TOA II | Theory of Architecture II

TOA II | general script


please see

the content of script

TOA II - Template for proper theoretical research of movements II – additional script


please see

the content of script

TOA II - Template for proper theoretical research of names II – additional script


please see

the content of script

TOA II - Interactive library class – additional script

TOA II - Interactive movie class – additional script


Students were presented
Industrial Light & Magic
Documentary movie
Creating the Impossible (2010)

toa II_movie interactive lecture_Industr
toa II_movie interactive lecture_Industr
PhD D Batista toa II movie interactve

TOA II | Theory of Architecture II lectures 

7 questions_7 answers II - check ignition


please see

the content of script

Critical inquiry II


please see

the content of script

Charles Jencks's Evolving 'Evolutionary Trees'

C Jencks's Evolving 'Evolutionary Trees'
C Jencks's Evolving 'Evolutionary Trees'
C Jencks's Evolving 'Evolutionary Trees'
C Jencks's Evolving 'Evolutionary Trees'
C Jencks's Evolving 'Evolutionary Trees'

Interactive library lessons

TOA II Movements

TOA II Names

Object of critical observation

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